Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It took years

Driving home today, I noticed these vivid blue wildflowers growing in our field. I had some wildflower seeds some years ago (maybe three years?) that I cast out in hopes of one day having a field of flowers. It took years - but aren't they great?

It took years (six, to be exact) to write Eddie's Wake, but today the galley proofs arrived! I'll be busy for a while doing edits, but keep checking back, and thanks for reading!


tpDadman said...

As you sew, so shall you reap. You put the wildflower seeds in the ground all those years ago, and now we have these lovely blooms. You planted the notion of a novel in your brain, nurtured it, and now the book is budding out. You rock my world, woman! I love you. tpDadman

C. A. Peterson said...

"I" didn't plant the novel idea in my brain. It came from the muse, Sophia. Love you tooo. ca

Bobbie said...

I'm SO glad you have more time to write in your blog. I enjoy "seeing" how you think. Bobbie

NJPA said...

"Planting seeds"
All good words for meditational purposes today.
Thank you, C A Peterson!