Monday, June 29, 2009

The water in my blood

On my way home from Michigan, I usually cross the Upper Peninsula on US Highway 2. The highway runs along the north shore of Lake Michigan, between sand dunes and through forests. The Lake was stunning yesterday in the cool sunshine and I was amazed at her colors, from deepest blue to crisp aquas to greens so transparent that I could see the sand beneath it. I stopped twice to take pictures and wondered at the sense of urgency I had to capture all the colors in my camera.

I love Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan, too. I grew up vacationing in the U.P., swimming in Lake Michigan and picking rocks along Superior's shore. I think I take pictures because I want to hang on to both lakes and all the memories I have of being there with my parents, sister and brother. My father died seven years ago this week. My sister lives in Alaska, my brother is ailing and my Mom is growing older. Maybe if I can hang on to the lakes and the dunes and rocks and white pines, I can hang on to the family I grew up with, too.

Karl Stern in Eddie's Wake felt the same way, I think, when he discovered that he and his family would be leaving the Lake where his father lived and fished and died. He was positive that everyone would forget all about his father if they moved away; he was truly afraid that he would forget, too. I wish I could tell him that moving away wouldn't make him forget... he'd just never be able to visit the big Lake without the feeling presence of his father. And that he'd probably take a lot of pictures trying to take the Lake home with him.

The image above is the "Mighty Mac" -- The Mackinac Bridge. It was completed fifty years ago this year and is a marvel to behold.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Traveling Sawmill

Our nephew builds extraordinary furniture... beginning the process by cutting down trees, hiring a sawyer to cut boards, and letting the boards dry and age. (Find out more about Adam's furniture by clicking here.)

I thought of Jacob Denver, the lumberman from "Eddie's Wake." Wonder what he might have thought about something like this? It was sure fun to watch!

Speaking of Eddie's Wake --
I finished proofing the proofs (galleys) and returned them (again!) Next comes work on the back cover... then the book goes into production. Soon...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Lots of rain over the past 24 hours and the tomato plants look bigger and the corn out in the fields looks green and lush. Of course, this means the mosquito population will pop, but hey, it's part of summer.

Galley proofs were returned on Wednesday and I am going through all the edits I already sent in to make sure they were all addressed. Thought it would take a couple of hours, but I've been at it all day. All this means, we're getting closer to the day when I have an actual "Eddie's Wake" book in my hands. It's a joy to have this to work on when other things become so stressful!

Photo above: "Hens and Chicks" from my garden.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dry Places

I returned the galley edits for Eddie's Wake on Monday. Today is Friday. Other than that, my week has been pretty unproductive. I sure would like to start writing again, but it's like trying to decide whether or not to make that phone call when you know your company will show up as soon as you do.
I'm thinking about some marketing ideas... visiting book clubs, sitting with a pile of my books in a coffee house, looking for new ways to get "out there" through the internet, sending copies to famous people(?), peddling them to artsy shops. If you, readers and followers, have any ideas - please leave a comment or email me.
Before I put the sprinkler on my already-dry garden, I couldn't resist taking a shot of the above moss-roses. They are amazing little plants that flourish even when it's dry.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Just wanted to post an update: I'm about half done with the galley edits; glad to be doing them because I'm finding many mistakes by the publisher. I have until Tuesday to finish.
I also wanted to show off another clump of wildflowers in our field. We've been trying to grow lupine for years, and this year we have maybe 6 good sized plants in shades of blue and purple. Another case of "wait for it...wait for it..."