Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"How can I get a copy?"

It just occurred to me that I've been telling you about my getting my hands on copies of "Eddie's Wake," but that I haven't mentioned where you can get a copy. They are available through and Barnes and I ordered one copy through Amazon last night; will let you know how long it takes for it to come. Haven't tried B&N yet.

My Morning glories are finally beginning to bloom and the weeds in the garden are thriving. Between the book and more family crises, I haven't been able to do anything about the weeds or enjoy the flowers.

But wait! I just went out to get a shot of the Morning Glories, and discovered, on August 19th, that we have ripening tomatoes; the first of the season. I will have tomatoes on my cucumber cream cheese sandwich today. And tomorrow I will make salsa!


CarolS said...

I searched on for Eddie's Wake - and there it is! (Don't forget to use the apostrophe in "Eddie's" when searching online for the book by title).

CarolS said...

Love this book! For the life of me, I can't figure out where C.A. Peterson came up with the character traits of mean "Uncle Melvin". He's just plain nasty. I particularly enjoyed the description of the rainy day funeral at the cemetery... I think I was holding my breath for several pages! Thanks for a great page turner, Carol!

C. A. Peterson said...

Glad you still like it, CarolS!