Saturday, June 20, 2009

Traveling Sawmill

Our nephew builds extraordinary furniture... beginning the process by cutting down trees, hiring a sawyer to cut boards, and letting the boards dry and age. (Find out more about Adam's furniture by clicking here.)

I thought of Jacob Denver, the lumberman from "Eddie's Wake." Wonder what he might have thought about something like this? It was sure fun to watch!

Speaking of Eddie's Wake --
I finished proofing the proofs (galleys) and returned them (again!) Next comes work on the back cover... then the book goes into production. Soon...

1 comment:

KML said...

I can hardly wait to hold a copy of this book in my hands and have my eyes read the finished product!
There are 2 book clubs that I know of in Cannon Falls. One at St. Ansgar's church and one through the Cannon Falls library. I know both would love to have the author come and speak about their book and the experience of writing it!